Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Canal By John L. Work @Work949

The Canal

The year is 2048.

Kansas City Police Detective Marie Castaneda is assigned an investigation that will change her life forever. A 76 year old man has committed suicide in a downtown skid row flophouse. But what looks like a run of the mill derelict's death is much more than that.

With her curiosity piqued by the odd circumstances surrounding the old man's final hours, the young police woman begins to uncover his past. What she finds is a dead soldier's story that is both heroic and tragic.

Set 40 years into the future, The Canal reveals America as a nation that is literally coming undone. The U.S.A. is about to be conquered.

Marie Castaneda is forced to take a big risk in order to save her life.

Visit the author's website:
Follow the author on Twitter: @Work949

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